Wednesday, January 2, 2019

Measures of Central tendency

Measures of Central tendency:

Mean: airthmetic average of the overall dataset

1.     Uniqueness: for a given set of data, there is only one arithmetic mean 
2.     Simplicity: easy to compute 

3.     Extreme values have drastic influence on mean 

Median: middle value of the dataset when it is arranged in ascending order
its the middle value if the dataset is odd, and average of the two middle values if the dataset is even

it is the value that divides the dataset into two equal parts such that the no. of values equal to or greater than the median is equal to the number of values equal to or less than the median, when the data set is arranged in order of magnitude

In odd data set: it is the (n+1)/2 th value
In even data set: it is the average of n/2 and n/2+1 th value

1.     Uniqueness: for a given set of data, there is only one median 
2.     Simplicity: easy to compute 

3.     Not drastically affected by extreme values as in mean 

Mean and median are special cases of a family of parameters known as location parameters, because they can be used to designate certain positions on the horizontal axis when the distribution of a variable is graphed (“locate” the distribution on the horizontal axis)

Mode: most frequent value in the dataset

It may be used also for describing qualitative data.

Suppose the height of the trees (metres) in a garden is represented by following dataset

 first let us arrange this in ascending order


most frequent value in dataset in here is "2" = Mode

now the total no. of values in the datset is 13

Median will be value that is middle value that is 7th one
Median =3

Mean = (1+1+2+2+2+3+3+4+4+6+7+8+9)/13
      = 4

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